Once you've logged in, follow these steps to view and print your statement:
If you are having trouble setting up your account or would like the statement mailed to you, we would be happy to help you. Please fill out the form below.
- Select the My Giving icon in the far left-hand column on the screen.
- Choose the Schedules / History option toward the top of the screen.
- Click the Giving Statement button on the far upper right-hand corner.
- When the next box pops up, select Family as the type.
- For the Date Range, select Last Year under the Quick Date Range pulldown.
- Under the Tax Deductible pulldown, select Deductible Only.
- Click Run Report.
- Your giving statement should then show up on your screen in the form of a PDF; from here, you can print and/or save your giving statement.
If you are having trouble setting up your account or would like the statement mailed to you, we would be happy to help you. Please fill out the form below.
If you have any questions, updates, or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to Nancy Horton at nancy@vantagepointchurch.org.